Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My story

Hi there, my name is Phuc (that's right it's pronounced like Luke but with an F). I became really popular after Austin Power the movie came out. I've heard every pronunciation you can ever think of pertaining to my name. You will never be able to surprise me. But this is not a blog about my name. It's a blog about how to get into Medical School and choosing the right specialty for you.

I am currently an Emergency Medicine Resident. I was born in Vietnam and came to the United States at the age of 12. I did not speak one word of English at the time and school seems impossible to get through. I am the youngest of four older sisters. My parents, sisters, and myself were cramp into a tiny two bedrooms apartment with poor living condition. In school, I often get made fun of for my thick accent and the way I dressed (which my parents got it free through donations). I was constantly surrounded by gang violence. However, I always had one thing in mind that kept me through it all. Family support and knowing that the only way out was to get an education. No, contrary to most of my peers, I was not interested in medicine at a young age. However, I was always fascinated with the human body and science. Needless to say, I excel in those subjects.

Choosing a career in medicine takes a lot of sacrifices, hard work and dedication. It's a daunting task that seems impossible. Well, I am here to tell you that it's not. If i can do make it to medical school anyone can. Don't be discourage by your gpa, mcat score (pheewww...we'll talk about that later). I am here to help. I will lay out what I did each blog from high school to college and applying for admission to medical school.

"Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future"
-Marilyn Ferguson